
Summer Of Love – Things To Keep In Mind When It Comes To Summer Romance & Sex In The Sun
Another summer of love has officially begun – the eighth series of Love Island is underway, the weather is finally heating up, and hopefully our sex lives will do the same! We collaborated with Ness Cooper (clinical sexologist and a...

Relationship Red Flags To Be Aware Of
Sometimes, when blinded by love, we can easily overlook the more negative aspects of our partners. However, many negative traits which show as an initial red (or ‘pink’) flag might actually be revealing bigger underlying issues. With this in mind,...

The Importance Of Condom Fit, And UK Hotspots Of Where Men Require Non-Standard Sized Condoms
One size certainly does not fit all when it comes to condoms – and wearing an ill-fitting condom can often be as bad as not wearing one at all. If you’re going to the lengths of wearing a condom in...

Sex-Related Accidents And Injuries In The UK
Lockdown affected people’s sex lives in a variety of different ways – the first wave of COVID-19 had a considerable impact on the amount of sex some people had, with young people and those who were not living with a...