generic lab test image man with pipette and petri dish

Ranked: Where in England Are You Most or Least Likely to Catch an STI?

Did you know that your postcode could be putting your sexual health at risk? Our eye-opening analysis has uncovered the STI hotspots across England, and the results might surprise you.

How Warming Condoms Work and Why You Should Try Them

How Warming Condoms Work and Why You Should Try Them

A warming condom is a latex or non-latex condom that is coated with a warming lubricant that offers a heated sensation when applied. Using these condoms properly can enhance your sexual experience while acting as a contraceptive and offering protection...
Why are Condoms Flavoured? A Guide to Flavoured Condoms

Why are Condoms Flavoured? A Guide to Flavoured Condoms

Have you ever wondered why condoms are flavoured? Or, indeed, what is a flavoured condom? Well, you’re not alone in asking that question. Many people ask what’s the point of flavoured condoms — so we will tell you. While we’re...
What Are The Safest Condoms: Everything You Need To Know

What Are The Safest Condoms: Everything You Need To Know

Safe condoms and safe sex go hand in hand, it’s essential to take your sexual health seriously, and condoms do that — used correctly, condoms are 98% foolproof, protecting you from STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) and unplanned or unwanted pregnancy....
Types Of Lube: Your Guide To Lubrication

Types Of Lube: Your Guide To Lubrication

The history of commercial, personal lubricants goes back to 1904 when KY patented KY Jelly as a medical device initially designed for surgery. KY and others started developing lubricants for personal use back in the early 2000s. There are different...
EXS Delay Spray Review: Is It Worth It?

EXS Delay Spray Review: Is It Worth It?

Premature ejaculation happens to men; they experience an early release of semen (ejaculation) during sexual encounters. There are many reasons PE (premature ejaculation) happens, and the issue is not uncommon, making it a prevalent concern for up to 34% of...
Oral With Condoms: Everything You Need To Know

Oral With Condoms: Everything You Need To Know

Oral condoms are a barrier method that you can use to protect your mouth when engaging in oral sex. Oral condoms work both ways — protecting you and your partner from unwanted fluids and, in turn, protecting you from STIs...
Is Flavoured Lube Edible: A Guide To Flavoured Lubricants

Is Flavoured Lube Edible: A Guide To Flavoured Lubricants

Flavoured lube débuted in the 90s when consumers started using lubricants for more than medical use. The journey of flavoured lube started with Durex in 1996, the same year Dolly the Sheep was born, and two high-profile royal divorces took...
Internal Condoms: How Do Female Condoms Work?

Internal Condoms: How Do Female Condoms Work?

The female condom symbolises empowerment, or at least that was the thought behind it when it became popular in the 90s. Invented by a Danish male doctor, Lasse Hessel (try saying Lasse Hessel with your mouth full), the female condom...
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